The Mettas
Superpower: Technology

Stopping and going into a quite place with mindful technology helps Chip relax when life gets a little bit too much.

Where Chip Was Found
Chip was spotted on the USB charger for a Sony Z3.
Meet the MettasMeet the Mettas
Chip is named after a Microchip which we are all around us and we use on a day to day basis.
Chip embraces all new tech that can help everyone improve their emotional well-being.
…us all how technology can help us become more mindful. Technology like virtual reality, biofeedback, mp3 audio and online videos to mention a few.
Chips favourite quotes
“Digital space is a place to say what you want, how you want and when you want to say it. So play nice, communicate kindly and enjoy the happy, healthy side of technology.”
“As technology advances remember YOU are the most brilliant creation!”
Sophia Stone
“It is not what technology does to us, it is what we do to technology. Used skillfully, it can improve and enhance our lives beyond our wildest imagination.”
“Technology should improve your life… not become your life.”
Billy Cox
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