Pareidolia Faces

How to send it

To send a photo to be included in a future addition of the Pareidolia book please use the form on this page, ensuring the quality is good enough to use in print. A camera phone image will be fine.

Alternatively, you can email it to me at info[at]the-mettas[dot]com. Please ensure to incude in the email the picture and a statement saying you agree to the Terms and Conditions set out below.

Thank you for sending the image and I look forward to seeing your faces in everyday objects as much as I hope you are at see your photo published.


Send a Photo

    Previous Pareidolia Books


    Book One

    If you love finding or seeing faces in everyday objects, known as Pareidolia, you will love this book. These faces were found all around the world with some being illustrated as fun cartoon characters. This book shares those faces and characters, just for you.

    This book differs from all future Pareidolia books in that these photos were taken by Mark the author.

    If you would like your faces in everyday objects images in future Pareidolia books please send them through to Mark using the contact form above.

    To purchase Pareidolia Book One please visit this link

    Terms and Conditions:

    I am a 100% sure I have the rights and permission to allow this image to be used by Mark.

    By sending this image to Mark I agree for the image sent to be used online, printed, published by a third party and digitally altered (if needed).

    I understand I will be recognised and mentioned for supplying the image on all occasions it is used and it may one day be turned into a Metta Cartoon Character. For supplying and the use of the image and any possible character design which comes from the image I supplied I will receive no financial payment(s) either now or in the future in any way.

    If the image you send is not appropriate for use we may not get back to you to request a different image and as a result, it will not be used. So please be sure it matches the image requirements mentioned above.

    Your privacy is important to us. Your email address will not be used or shared by us in any way.

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